Family Albom

Saturday, November 7, 2009

14 Examples of Literal Product Design

14 Examples of Literal Product Design

Collection of cool and creative product designs that literally represent the products themselves.

Milk Carton

Amazing literal milk packaging concept by Gabriel Lefebvre and Julien De Repentigny. [link]

Milk Carton

Periodic Table

Literal representation of the periodic table of the chemical elements. [link]

Periodic Table

Fruit Juice Packaging

Japanese designer Naoto Fukasawa has designed a series of literal fruit juice packages that have the look and feel of the fruit they contain. [link]

Literal Fruit Juice Packaging

Speech Bubble Speaker

Cool speakers that plug directly into your computer or MP3 player. [link]

Speech Bubble Speaker

Remote, Radio, and Subwoofer

These interesting concepts for electronic devices are a part of “Used as Read” series. [link]

Remote Control

Radio Radio

Woof Subwoofer

“Book End” Bookends

Organize your novels with a pair of handy metal “BOOK ENDs”. [link]

Book End


Eric Ku created a chair by assembling the redesigned alphabets. [link]

Chair Chair

Hot Radiator

Clever radiator design informs everyone that the radiator it hot. [link]

Hot Radiator


Da-Eun Song has designed a cool shelf that spells out “shelf”. [link]

Shelf Shelf

“Table” Table

Literal interpretation of a table designed by Toshinori Kamiya. [link]

Literal Table

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