Family Albom

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Yang kecil2

Pada umumnya kita tidak menyadari bahwa di dalam tubuh kita ada banyak hal yang sungguh menarik dan mempesona bila dilihat, baik itu bagian normal dari tubuh kita seperti yang terkecil sekalipun yaitu sel sel. Berikut ini kami coba sajikan gambar foto-foto yang sangat indah dari beberapa bagian yang ada di tubuh kita bila dilihat dari alat Mikroskop. Sungguh sangat menawan, semoga kita menjadi semaki yakin akan kebesaran Tuhan dengan melihat ini semua.

Sesungguhnya dalam penciptaan langit dan bumi, silih bergantinya malam dan siang, bahtera yang berlayar di laut membawa apa yang berguna bagi manusia, dan apa yang Allah turunkan dari langit berupa air, lalu dengan air itu Dia hidupkan bumi sesudah mati (kering)-nya dan Dia sebarkan di bumi itu segala jenis hewan, dan pengisaran angin dan awan yang dikendalikan antara langit dan bumi; sungguh (terdapat) tanda-tanda (keesaan dan kebesaran Allah) bagi kaum yang memikirkan. (QS. 2:164)

Foto-foto Menakjubkan bagian Bagian Kecil Dari tubuh kita dilihat dengan Super Microskop

Ini merupakan gambar sel darah merah, mirip terumbu karang

Hadis : Lalat Dan Penyakit; Rasulullah Dan Saintis

Hadis :
Dari Abi Hurairah r.a berkata bahawa Rasulullah SAW telah bersabda yang bermaksud: " "Apabila lalat jatuh ke dalam minuman salah seorang di antara kamu maka rendamkanlah lalat itu kemudian buanglah. Kerana pada salah satu sayapnya terdapat penyakit dan pada sayap yang lain terdapat ubat." Riwayat al-Bukhari

bahaya kepak ayam

Kepak ayam percik,kepak ayam bbq,kepak ayam goreng dan bermacam lagi menu yang berasaskan kepak ayam terdapat didunia ni.Sedap...memang sedap,baik org tua,dewasa lelaki atau wanita ataupun kanak2 semua suka makan kepak ayam.Disini bukan nak citer pasal resepi atau pasal ayam,tp pasal penggemar kepak ayam ni..ambik PERHATIAN!!..sbb risiko yg terpaksa di tanggung akibat sedap yg hanya mungkin 1-2minit menyebabkan derita ke akhir hayat.Citer nih khusus untuk wanita dan lelaki juga amnya kerana ia boleh menyebabkan kanser/tumor pada ovari wanita penggemar kepak ayam nih bagi satu jangka masa panjang.

Tutorial-Pasang Read More Dalam Blogspot cara mudah

Kini pihak Blogger telah membolehkan pengguna/pemiliknya memasang Auto Read More pada setiap post/entry blog.Tanpa perlu bersusah payah mencari template yg menyediakan sekali fungsi Read More atau menambah kod-kod ke dalam template yg digunakan.Tips/tutorial memasangnya sgt mudah dan cara menggunakannya juga senang seperti blog Wordpress.

Bagi mengaktifkan fungsi Read More ni,anda perlulah Log-in ke Dashboard.

Cara Buat Read More di WordPress

Read More di WordPressOleh
Saya pikir semua pengguna wordpress sudah tahu cara buat “read more” di wordpress. Ternyata masih ada yang tanya di komentar posting di sini. Berbeda dengan / blogspot, membuat “read more” atau “baca selanjutnya” atau “read the rest of this entry” di wordpress itu sangat mudah. Ikuti langkah berikut:

Download Drama Daripada TV3 Menggunakan DownloadHelper

Saya ada menulis tentang DownloadHelper, sebuah add-on Firefox yang membolehkan anda download video dari laman web video popular seperti YouTube, dan Google Video. Sebenarnya, DownloadHelper boleh download video dan Mp3 daripada pelbagai laman web lagi, cuma saya yang selalu tidak perasan.

Baru sebentar tadi saya cuba menggunakan DownloadHelper untuk download video yang dipertontonkan di laman web TV3. Pada mulanya, saya ingat DownloadHelper gagal untuk mengesan video. Rupa-rupanya, video tersebut harus dimainkan terlebih dahulu, barulah ikon DownloadHelper akan beranimasi yang menandakan video tersebut boleh anda download.

7 perisian

Waidakmy ada bertanyakan tentang 7 perisian yang paling saya gemari. Hmm.. Sebagai penggila software, tujuh pastinya bilangan yang terlalu sedikit! Tapi saya tetap cuba untuk senaraikan perisian-perisian yang paling berguna buat saya, dan saya yakin ianya juga berguna buat anda. Jadi, di sini saya persembahkan tujuh perisian yang perlu anda miliki:

7 Plugin Wordpress Untuk Memudahkan Kerja

Produktiviti merupakan satu kata kunci yang penting bagi seorang penulis blog. Sekiranya ada jalan yang membolehkan kami bekerja dengan lebih pantas (walaupun bezanya hanya beberapa saat), itu lebih baik. Nasib baiklah Wordpress menyediakan pelbagai plugin yang akan dapat memudahkan kerja anda. Di sini saya ingin perkenalkan tujuh plugin Wordpress yang akan dapat membantu penulis blog supaya lebih cekap dan efisien:

5 plugin paling asas

Wordpress adalah sebuah platform untuk blog yang paling popular sekarang. Kebanyakan orang yang mempunyai domain dan hosting sendiri memilih Wordpress kerana ianya sangat mudah untuk digunakan. Pelbagai plugin yang tersedia pula membolehkan anda memperkemaskan lagi blog anda dengan macam-macam fungsi.

Apabila anda telah selesai memasang Wordpress (samada secara manual ataupun automatik), perkara seterusnya yang perlu dibuat adalah memasang plugin. Di sini, saya akan kongsikan 5 plugin Wordpress yang paling popular dan berguna untuk anda.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

How wireless electricity works

How wireless electricity works

The technology under WiTricity’s hood could fill several books, all of which would require advanced degrees to comprehend, but a simple analogy might be an opera singer, facing a table of glasses filled with different amounts of liquid. If she belts out a sufficiently loud note at a single frequency, it might be able to shatter one of those glasses — but only the one whose contents have the corresponding frequency. All of the other glasses — and everything else in the room, for that matter — would be unscathed.
In the MIT experiment, two copper coils were set up — one a "sender" and one a "receiver." The sender coil was attached to the power source, while the receiver coil was attached to the light bulb. When turned on, the sender coil emits electricity in the form of a magnetic field, oscillating at a specific frequency. The receiver coil picks up the transmission, while the rest of the environment is unaffected. One specific opera singer, sending energy to one specific wine glass.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Modern and Creative Bookshelf Designs

Modern and Creative Bookshelf Designs
Modern bookshelves and creative shelf designs from all over the world.

Rolling Shelf

A wall mounted shelving unit in which the shelves roll back to accommodate tall objects and remain in position until you move them back to their original position. [link]
Rolling Shelf
Rolling Shelf 2

Burj Dubai, World Tallest Building In Dubai

Skyscraper Burj Dubai At Night Photo

About Burj Dubai Skyscrapers - World Tallest Building In Dubai

Burj Dubai, the skyscraper is under construction in Dubai District. It will go to be world’s tallest man-made building ever built. This skyscraper is constructing at Downtown Dubai, at Doha Street along with Sheikh Zayed Road. Construction of this project was begun on 21st September, 2004 and expected to be completed and ready for use in September 2009.

Burj Dubai Tower Hight

This tower is also expected to break the record for tallest man-made building, which is held by 2,072ft tall the wire-assisted KVLY-TV mast in North Dakota, US. The developer, Emaar Properties said that the final height of Burj Dubai is kept secret till completion. Last year, Local media reports said that Burj Dubai’s final height would be 818 meters.

Burj Dubai Comparing To World's Skyscraper

Burj Dubai Compare Skyscraper

Rock balancing

In what must be an incredible show of patience and preciseness, there are people in this weird world we all share that make a practice of balancing seemingly implacable rocks on top of each other. The result is surreal and quiet beautiful... if for nothing more than its apparent impossibility.

10 world's best ever quotes by famous people.

Beautiful Bench Designs Collection

Beautiful Bench Designs Collection

Nowadays, benches come in all shapes and sizes. This post showcases our favorite examples of beautiful and unusual bench designs.

Seesaw Bench

An attempt at getting strangers to conversate in public spaces. This bench requires cooperation to be functional. [link]

Seesaw Bench

The Rolling Bench

The age old problem of wet benches has been solved by a group of Korean designers. [link]

The Rolling Bench

The Rolling Bench 2

Rox Bench

In the winter the unit collapses down into a storage unit where you can keep garden tools, children’s toys, etc. In the summer it opens out into a 3 seater bench and has two accompanying tables. Another feature is the built in solar lights, creating a cool night time effect. [link]

Rox Bench

Rox Bench 2

Rox Bench 3

Bench Designs by Matthias Pliessnig

Creative wooden benches by Matthias Pliessnig. [link]

Bench Designs by Matthias Pliessnig

Bench Designs by Matthias Pliessnig 2

Bench Designs by Matthias Pliessnig 3

Bench Designs by Matthias Pliessnig 4


LightBench by Frellstedt, Germany, is based on modern RGB LED lighting technology. Thanks to LED it can be lit in millions of adjustable shades of bright or soft colors. [link]


LightBench 2

334 Newspaper Bench

The “334” bench is made of 3 parallel bars of metal and 334 newspapers folded and stacked next to each other. The challenge of that series is to recycle a product, but also to design a furniture without using any screw, glue, soldering, etc. [link]

334 Newspaper Bench

334 Newspaper Bench 2

Union Bench

This is a bench without a back or front, that let’s everyone sit and enjoy from every internal mood and external angle. It’s a non- fuss design with maximum practical benefit and desirable, minimalist aesthetic. [link]

Union Bench

Union Bench 2

Splinter Bench

The Splinter bench consists of two sculptural side chairs, each with a smooth and a jagged side—as if they have been broken apart, or “splintered” from each other. When joined at their serrated ends, they fit together like puzzle pieces to form a sleek contemporary-looking bench. They can also be arranged to join along their smooth sides, creating a lounger with rough-hewn edges for an Arts and Crafts feel. [link]

Splinter Bench

Splinter Bench 2

Tennis Ball Benches

You may have thoughts tennis balls were just for tennis - but creative Dutch designer Tejo Remy has found a another use for the bright yellow bouncy felt-and-rubber balls. [link]

Tennis Ball Benches

Tennis Ball Benches 2

Tennis Ball Benches 3

14 Examples of Literal Product Design

14 Examples of Literal Product Design

Collection of cool and creative product designs that literally represent the products themselves.

Milk Carton

Amazing literal milk packaging concept by Gabriel Lefebvre and Julien De Repentigny. [link]

Milk Carton

Periodic Table

Literal representation of the periodic table of the chemical elements. [link]

Periodic Table

Fruit Juice Packaging

Japanese designer Naoto Fukasawa has designed a series of literal fruit juice packages that have the look and feel of the fruit they contain. [link]

Literal Fruit Juice Packaging

Speech Bubble Speaker

Cool speakers that plug directly into your computer or MP3 player. [link]

Speech Bubble Speaker

Remote, Radio, and Subwoofer

These interesting concepts for electronic devices are a part of “Used as Read” series. [link]

Remote Control

Radio Radio

Woof Subwoofer

“Book End” Bookends

Organize your novels with a pair of handy metal “BOOK ENDs”. [link]

Book End


Eric Ku created a chair by assembling the redesigned alphabets. [link]

Chair Chair

Hot Radiator

Clever radiator design informs everyone that the radiator it hot. [link]

Hot Radiator


Da-Eun Song has designed a cool shelf that spells out “shelf”. [link]

Shelf Shelf

“Table” Table

Literal interpretation of a table designed by Toshinori Kamiya. [link]

Literal Table